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齐白石字画_近年来成交记录:  优秀藏品经纪人:张经理  电话微信:18126481829咨询 qq:3282363619 

qi baishi and _ in recent years record: excellent collection agent: liu telephone:18126481829 wechat consulting qq:3282363619












 齐白石(1864年1月1日─1957年9月16日),祖籍安徽宿州砀山, 生于湖南长沙府湘潭(今湖南湘潭)。 









 qi baishi (january 1, 1864 - september 16, 1957), the ancestral home in dangshan, suzhou, anhui, changsha, hunan, hunan, xiangtan (now xiangtan in hunan).

the original name is pure ganoderma, the word wei qing, the no. lanting pavilion. later renamed huang word brink of health, bai shi, weng ping, baishishan, old gentleman hungry, shan yin through the main hall, ji ping hall on the elderly, three hundred lithographs millionaire.

it is a modern chinese painting master and a world cultural celebrity. he was a woodworker in his early years, then sold for a living, and settled in beijing after fifty-seven years of age. good at painting flowers and birds, fish and insects, landscapes, figures, forceful pen and ink moist, rich color and lively, vivid artistic conception concise style, pure and honest and simple. the fish and insects crab, natural phenomena.

qi baishi, the book industry zhuanli, take the law in the qin and han dynasties epitaphs, rao quaintly, carving style, good at writing poetry. he was an honorary professor of the china central academy of fine arts and chairman of the chinese artists association. the representative works are "the sound of the frog sound ten in the mountain spring", "the ink shrimp" and so on. he is the author of "bai shi's poetry grass", "bai shi's self statement" and so on.

qi baishi was greatly influenced by chen shiceng in the art of painting, and qi baishi absorbed the length of wu changshuo at the same time. qi baishi feat of flowers and birds, li jian feng has the joy of writing. but the worm is meticulous and meticulous. qi baishi also praised xu wei, zhu da, shi tao and jin nong. especially crabs, cicada, butterfly, fish, birds, ink dripping, filled with the breath of nature full of vitality. landscape composition singular falls the old footpath, highly creative spirit, carving out one eye, a remarkable calligraphy, everyone. qi baishi's paintings oppose unrealistic imagination. qi baishi often pays attention to the characteristics of flowers, birds, insects and fish, and tries to figure out their spirit. qi baishi once said: for ten thousand worms, for a hundred birds, to draw their own face.

 qi baishi is painting a picture of shrimp. qi baishi painting shrimp through lifelong observation, and strive to form features embodied shrimp.

qi baishi has been painting shrimp into perfection, in the performance of the group in ink in the water swimming shrimp. a stout, thick arrowhead, and the group of shrimp transparent, light fine contrast, reflects the qi baishi painting late mature.

qi baishi prawns show the form of shrimp, lively, sensitive, alert and alive. because qi baishi mastered the characteristics of the shrimp, so he painted it well. a few pens, with ink shades shades, showing a dynamic. one of the edges of the eyes, among the head with a little ink, about two pen ink, so that the shrimp head be the most changeful. the hard shell is transparent from deep to shallow. the shrimp waist, a section for several pens, formed by the coarse tapered waist rhythm shrimp.

the change of qi baishi's pen makes the shrimp's waist present a variety of different states, bow and forward, and have a straight waist. there is also a bend to crawl. the tail of the shrimp is also a few strokes, both elastic and transparent. a pair of forepaw shrimp, from the thin and thick sections, between until the two claws like pliers, have opened a joint. shrimp tentacles by lines of light ink painting.

深圳梵高艺术品公司本着“文化中国,文明企业,用心服务,全力以赴” 的理念,坚定不移地传承和发扬中华文明,致力打造辐射全球的文化金融交易平台;重点建立中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾和全球华人及社团之间的紧密联系和深度互动。更多的藏友及委托人要求拍卖行在香港出售其藏品。古玩艺术品作为一种特殊的商品,因其丰厚的文化底蕴,也成为近年送礼佳选。   优秀藏品经纪人  张经理 电话微信:18126481829  QQ:3282363619

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