
概述:吃全谷杂粮能添加养分供给 Eating whole grain grain can add nutrient supply 平等分量下、相同能量的状况下,全谷可提供相当于白米3倍以上的维生素B1、B2和钾、镁等矿物质。比方说,精白面粉和全麦粒比

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Eating whole grain grain can add nutrient supply
Under equal weight and under the same energy, the whole valley can provide vitamin B1, B2 and potassium, magnesium and other minerals equivalent to 3 times the white rice. For example, compared with pure wheat flour and whole grain, vitamin B1 content is only 1/4 of whole wheat. For example, compared to rice and millet, the content of potassium and iron is only 1/5 of that of millet. Therefore, eating coarse grain (whole grain) can make people get more nutrients under the premise of being full. The people who are in bad stomach must not refuse to eat coarse grain because of the rough appearance of coarse grain. As long as they choose a good variety, they can not add the burden of the digestive system, but can help to absorb more nutrients. For example, millet, big yellow rice, sorghum rice, brown rice, lotus seed and so on, porridge eating is very simple digestion and absorption.
Eating whole grains can absorb more disease prevention and health care ingredients.
Whole grain cereals not only contain more dietary fiber and vitamins, but also contain more antioxidants. The red, purple and black cereals are the good origins of anthocyanins, while the Yellow whole grains contain carotenoids, and there are also rich beta- glucan in barley and oats. These substances have good health benefits, such as the prevention of cancer, the prevention of coronary heart disease, the control of postprandial blood sugar and blood cholesterol, and the delay of eye change. The health ingredients in white rice white are very small.
High grain fiber content in whole grains can help reduce the risk of intestinal cancer.
It is known that there are more cellulose in whole grain cereals and more total dietary fiber. Under equal weight, more dietary fiber and resistant starch can be provided. They can not only assist the bowel movement, but also help people with constipation, and can promote the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the large intestine, improve the intestinal microecological environment, and help to reduce the risk of colon cancer.
Blood sugar rises slowly after whole grains, and diabetes is the best.

The more delicate and soft the staple food is, the stronger the blood sugar is. Even with the same amount of starch, due to the need to chew whole grains and slow digestion, postprandial blood sugar is relatively low, which can reduce the demand for insulin. People with diabetes should choose the main foods made of mixed grain beans, oats, barley, brown rice and so on. The postprandial blood sugar will be easily manipulated, and there is no need to worry about the condition of starvation and hypoglycemia.


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