
概述:吃全谷杂粮饱腹感强,喝粥也不饿 The whole grain food is strong, and the porridge is not hungry. 杂粮豆粥吃一碗很饱,很长时刻不饿。而相同能量的白米、面包等吃起来速度快,饱感差,很简单感觉到饿

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The whole grain food is strong, and the porridge is not hungry.
Grains of bean gruel eat a bowl full, not hungry for a long time. And the same energy, such as white rice, bread and so on, tastes fast and satiety. It is very easy to feel hungry, and the result is unconsciously letting the body absorb more calories. If you want to lose weight for a long time, you need to control the dietary energy, and the same nutrients such as vitamins and minerals can not be less, nor can you feel starved. That being the case, why not choose a coarse grain gruel with more satiety and more nutrient in equal energy?
Eating whole grain grain helps to protect the fat
Studies have shown that people who eat the most of the whole grains are less likely to gain weight with age, while those who eat refined white rice and white flour are at a very high risk of getting fat in middle age. Eating whole grains is not a simple diet, and the blood sugar rises slowly after meal, and the insulin demand is small, which is good for inhibiting the composition of fat.
Eating whole grain cereals can effectively prevent fatigue after meals
Many people have such a grasp, lunch to eat white rice and red cooked meat and the like, lunch, lunch, feel the body is particularly lazy, the brain becomes very slow, and even tired and sleepy. You may be surprised to find that the food is not greasy, and it is not difficult to digest. Why do you still feel tired after eating? This is because a large number of whitening and soft staple food can cause blood sugar to be absorbed into the blood quickly, the level of insulin increases rapidly, and the high level of insulin may also be one of the reasons for the tiredness of the body after the meal.
Eating whole grain cereals can guarantee physical and mental ability

B vitamins are very important for the efficient work and physical fitness of the nervous system, especially vitamin B1. Thin pork is rich in vitamin B1, but it contains more fat and cholesterol, only a few meals a day. Because of the fear of fat, many women dare not eat more staple food and meat. Because of the fear of blood sugar and blood fat, many diabetics dare not eat the staple food and meat, which will greatly reduce the supply of vitamin B1. . Therefore, in the diet, the most useful source of vitamin B1 is whole grains, beans and potatoes. People who eat grains often have enough energy and are not simply tired.


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