

2018-05-10 16:30:59 点击34611次
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The logic and price of the mall should be used as a lever to carry out economic benefits to ensure a satisfactory collective of the mass distribution staff, as well as to ensure that the distributor has a reasonable profit. The purpose of public package transaction is to save the cost of distribution on the premise of ensuring the quality of logistics service; while the base of satisfying the quality of service is necessary to have a proper amount of the collective of the distribution staff. The maximization of income and the cost savings that the channel awaits constitutes an economic game model. The conditioning parameter of this game model is the external price and service quality of each package. And the center makes both sides win.
As for some of the other details of the operation, such as the road of injustice, the misconduct of the local and the irregular behavior, these can be perfected and established through the training and operation of the affairs. In addition, if there is a satisfactory impact on interest, it will be able to gradually screen out and eliminate the crowds distribution staff who do not meet the standards after reviewing the response mechanism. The way of handling like crowdsourcing is relatively simple, but if you want to run the crowdsourcing logistics well, there are many technical contents inside. But in the O2O business, if there is no business flow, the logistics of O2O will not exist.
Without O2O business, there is no O2O Logistics

Many entrepreneurs and investors admire dada very much. Because dada made the capital of Sequoia in May 2014, the company registered with the company in July of the same year, and reached $DST1 billion in C investment by 2015 July, the company is valued at $600 million. This increase is simply a rocket. But together, we also found that dada's biggest business partner was hungry, and released his open logistics system plan in August 2015. This is the third big O2O channel to start building its own logistics crowdsourcing channel. Over the past year, many small logistics companies have consulted me: how are they doing a O2O logistics company on the ground? They may appear as many of the third party logistics companies in the O2O wave.


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