

2018-05-10 16:35:47 点击34441次
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As to the cost of logistics distribution, a single transaction is taken into consideration, and the space for saving is not much. It is not only to employ lower manpower and to use the tools of lower cost. But this operation is not a durable model. Generally speaking, the decline in the cost of logistics and the progress of power can follow the amount of the transaction, through the planning and intensification of the transaction to improve power and reduce the cost of service. B2C's logistics and distribution is through the intensification and merger of the waybill and then the decrease of the single ticket distribution cost.
But the city O2O logistics and distribution has strict requirements, it is difficult as B2C, there is a long and intensive time to carry out the bill, basically is required to receive the waybill, immediately immediately to organize distribution. Therefore, it is difficult to complete the distribution of Waybill under the condition that the volume of the transport documents is not dense. Therefore, there are three basic ways to complete O2O logistics distribution, and it is phased.
1. first stage, point to point direct delivery: This is the initial stage of the transaction, because the transaction amount is very small, but it is necessary to ensure that the customer order is delivered in accordance with the requirements of the customer, it is necessary to pay a single delivery cost. Otherwise, we can not guarantee the fundamental services of our customers. There will be no next waybill.
The 2. second stage, single distribution. There is a definite plan for the beginning of the transaction volume. At this time, there may be two or more two waybills which can merge with the same line. There are two kinds of methods:
(1) the starting point is single; the starting point is good enough to understand, in the food and beverage distribution, especially in the school's catering distribution. The amount of the same restaurant in the same time period to send the same school building is very large. This merger is relatively simple, for example, McDonald's has such a rule: in the next 5 minutes, the same line order is demand merger and distribution. In fact, it is very difficult to annex and annex according to the regulations formulated by the manager for a period of time, the same line or the same direction.

(2) in the mission of the distribution staff to carry out the merger and acquisition: this kind of merger difficulty is relatively high. It requires the distribution staff in the way of distribution, the system background is based on the direction of the trudge and the position of the distribution staff, combined with the service requirements of the delivery of the time and the service of the pricked waybill, and then balance the distribution, and then dispatch and distribute the distribution immediately. The staff will enter the temporary mission and coordinate the deliveries. The real-time scheduling algorithm for scheduling platform is very high.


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