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3.9.1 Working hours shall comply with national laws, collective bargaining agreements and benchmark

industry standards, whichever affords greater protection.

3.9.1 工作时间应符合国家法律规定、集体谈判协议和行业标准,以能为工人提供最大保护的为准。

3.9.2 In any event, workers shall not be required to work in excess of 48 hours per week on a regular basis,
shall have the right to have rest breaks in every working day and shall be provided with at least one
day off for every 7-day period on average.
3.9.2 任何情况下,不应经常要求工人一周工作超过 48 小时,每个工作日应有休息间隔,平均每 7 天必须

至少有 1 天休息。

3.9.3 Overtime shall be voluntary, shall not exceed 12 hours per week, shall not be demanded on a regu
lar basis, and shall not represent a significantly higher likelihood of occupational hazards.
3.9.3 加班应是自愿的,加班时间每周不得超过 12 小时,不应要求工人经常加班,不应暴露在明显高危的



3.10 不提供没有保障的工作

3.10.1 To every extent possible work performed shall be on the basis of recognised employment relation
ship established through national law and practice.

3.10.1 对于各种可能存在的工作,均应依据国家法律和惯例建立合法的雇用关系。

3.10.2 Obligations to employees under labour or social security laws and regulations arising from the regu
lar employment relationship shall not be avoided through the use of labour-only contracting, subcon
tracting, or home-working arrangements, or through apprenticeship schemes where there is no real
intent to impart skills or provide regular employment, nor shall any such obligations be avoided
through the excessive use of fixed-term contracts of employment.
3.10.2 不应采用纯劳务性的合约制、分包制或在家工作制,不得借助没有真正传授技能意图的学徒制,或无


3.11 移徙工人
3.11.1 Equality in treatment shall be provided as compared to local workers who work at employer’s facili
ties. This includes remunerations, social security, access to training and other provisions of GOTS
Social Criteria.
3.11.1 应提供与在雇主场所工作的当地工人相同的待遇。这些待遇包括报酬、社会保障、获得培训以及

GOTS 社会责任准则规定的其他待遇。

3.11.2 Migrant workers shall have access to their travel documents3.11.2 移徙工人应能获得其旅行证件。
3.11.3 Besides other standard requirements, written employment contract shall include - in a language that
the worker understands- clear information about provisions of terms, duration and hours of employ
ment, deductions, benefits (such as leave and insurance), housing, food, transportation, and other
applicable provisions.
3.11.3 除其他标准要求之外,书面雇佣合同应以工人理解的语言编制,其中列明与雇佣条款、雇佣期限和时


3.11.4 If food, accommodation, transportation or other services are provided, they shall be provided at a
rate not higher than the market rate.
3.11.4 如果提供食宿、交通或其他便利,其价格不得高于市场行情。
3.12 社会责任管理
Companies shall have a policy for social accountability to ensure that the social criteria can be met. They
shall support the implementation and monitoring of the social criteria by:


3.11.1 Nominating a person responsible for social accountability

3.11.1 任命社会责任负责人

3.11.2 Monitoring compliance with the social criteria and implementing necessary improvements at its fa
cilities, also keeping in mind potential adverse impacts.

3.11.2 监控工作场所社会责任准则的符合性并采取必要的改进,还应关注潜在的不利影响。

3.11.3 Informing its workers about the contents of their employment contract, minimum social criteria and
any other related information provided by GOTS in the applicable local language(s).

3.11.3 用当地使用的语言向工人传达其雇佣合同、最低社会责任准则和 GOTS 标准中所涉及的相关内容

3.11.4 Maintaining records of the name, age, working hours and the wages paid for each worker

3.11.4 对每个工人建档,记录姓名、年龄、工作时间和支付的工资

3.11.5 Allowing the workers to nominate a representative for social accountability that is able to provide
feedback to the management regarding implementation status of and compliance with social criteria

3.11.5 允许工人提名社会责任代表,以向管理层反馈社会责任准则的履行及符合性情况

3.11.6 Providing time and space to workers to organise and engage in collective bargaining.

3.11.6 为工人组织和参与集体谈判提供时间和空间。

3.11.7 Recording and investigating complaints from workers or third parties related to the adherence to the
social criteria and maintaining records about any necessary corrective measures arising from them
3.11.7 记录和调查工人或第三方提出的关于遵守社会责任准则方面的投诉,记录并保存针对这些投诉所执行


3.11.8 A functional and effective complaint mechanism shall be established. Anonymous complaint mecha
nism shall be followed to the maximum possible extent.

3.11.8 应制定有效的投诉机制。应尽最大可能遵循匿名投诉机制。

3.11.9 Upon request, Certified Entities shall provide information about complaint records to their Certified
Buyers should complaints possibly be related to the business practises of such Certified Buyers.
3.11.9 如果投诉可能与被认证买家的业务活动有关,则根据要求,被认证实体应该向被认证买家提供与投诉


3.11.10 Refraining from disciplinary measures, dismissals or other forms of discrimination against workers for
providing information concerning observance of the social criteria
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GOTS 5.0 版

3.11.10 严禁对提出社会责任准则遵守问题的工人施加纪律处分、解雇或其它形式的歧视
3.11.11 For home-workers, data on the nature, extent and characteristics of home-work shall be compiled by
the employer and made available to Certification Bodies. Appropriate access to private home

working premises shall be arranged by employers for the purposes of inspection and audit.

3.11.11 对于居家工人,雇主应编制关于居家工作的性质、范围和特点的数据,并将该等数据提供给认证机