
概述:BS EN 581-1: 2006 outdoor furniture - seating and table for camping, domestic and contract use Part 1: general safety requirements  户外家具 - 露营, 家用和公司用座椅和桌子 –

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BS EN 581-1: 2006 outdoor furniture - seating and table for camping, domestic and contract use Part 1: general safety requirements  户外家具 - 露营, 家用和公司用座椅和桌子 – 一般安全要求  测试内容:
fety requirement 安全要求
Sample required: 1 sets of completed products with assembly instruction (if applicable) is recommend.
样品要求: 全套样品1套并包括安装说明书(如适用).
EN 581-2: 2000 outdoor seating for camping, domestic and contract use Part 2: mechanical safety requirement and test methods  户外家具 - 露营, 家用和公司用椅子和桌子 -椅子机械安全要求和测试方法
Stability 稳定性测试 According to BS EN 1022
Seat strength and fatigue 座位强度和疲劳测试
Seat static load test 座位静态强度测试
Seat fatigue test 座位疲劳测试
Seat impact test 座位冲击测试
Backrest strength and fatigue 靠背强度和疲劳测试
Back static load test 靠背静态强度测试
Cyclic test on the backrest 靠背疲劳测试
Test of alternative forces on the backrest for reclining seating 靠背交替疲劳测试(躺椅)
Backrest impact test 靠背冲击测试
Armrest strength and fatigue 扶手强度和疲劳测试
Arm downwards static load test 扶手垂直静态载荷测试
Fatigue test 疲劳测试
Arm impact test 扶手冲击测试
Leg strength 椅脚测试
Leg forwards static load test 椅脚前向静态载荷测试
Leg side ways static load test 椅脚侧向静态载荷测试
**Annex A - Behaviour of outdoor seating at high and low temperature 户外家具高/低温环境性能测试
Seat impact test 座位冲击测试
Back impact test 靠背冲击测试
Seat and back sustained load test 座椅和靠背长期载荷测试
Additional seat and back static and test requirements for tilting chairs, reclining chairs and loungers 附加座椅和靠背静态载荷测试 (躺椅和可倾斜椅)
Leg rearward static load test 椅脚后向静态载荷测试
Leg forward static load test 椅脚前向静态载荷测试
Leg sideways static load test 椅脚侧向静态载荷测试
Annex B - Specific test methods and requirements for loungers 躺椅补充测试
Stability test 稳定性测试
Static load test 静态载荷测试
Fatigue test 疲劳测试
Impact test 冲击测试
Lift test 提升测试

宁波金标检测技术公司,专业提供产品出口认证检测的权威机构,公司专业从事SGS认证、TUV认证、BV认证、 CE认证 、CE-EMC、CE-LVD、MSDS、REACH-SVHC、ROHS、POFS、EN71、ASTM-F963检测、HR4040/CPSIA、FDA、LFGB、1935/2004/EC、PAHS/多环芳烃、phthalates/邻苯二甲酸盐、轻工产品类BS EN 13248炊具认证、BS EN 13248咖啡壶认证、EN 13138-1漂浮产品认证、BS EN 1836太阳镜认证、EN 131梯子测试、DIN EN 14688洗脸盆认证、EN 14350婴儿奶瓶认证、BS 5576 帐篷认证、BS EN 14059装饰油灯认证、BS 4875家用桌子认证等


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