上海团建 , 体验式培训 , 公司年会主题 , 员工团建活动公司 

概述:上海公司搞员工拓展,有没有新颖的团建拓展方案呢 拓展团建好不好呀?有效果吗 棒球团建和传统的户外拓展有什么优势 求多人团队小游戏室内团队游戏室内集体小游戏

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The team understands the goals and is committed to attaining them. This clear direction and agreement on mission and purpose is essential for effective teamwork. Team members must have an overall mission that is agreed upon and that provides the umbrella for all that the team tries to do. This team clarity is reinforced when the organization has clear expectations for the teams work, goals, accountability, and outcomes.
The team creates an environment in which people are comfortable taking reasonable risks in communicating, advocating positions, and taking action. Team members trust each other. Team members are not punished for disagreeing disagreement is expected and appreciated.
Communication is open, honest, and respectful. People feel free to express their thoughts, opinions, and potential solutions to problems. People feel as if they are heard out and listened to by team members who are attempting to understand. Team members ask questions for clarity and spend their thought time listening deeply rather than forming rebuttals while their coworker is speaking.
Team members have a strong sense of belonging to the group. They experience a deep commitment to the group’s decisions and actions. This sense of belonging is enhanced and reinforced when the team spends the time to develop team norms or relationship guidelines together.

团队了解目标并致力于实现目标。这一明确的方向和对使命和目标的一致意见对于有效的团队合 团队成员必须具有商定的总体使命,并为团队尝试的所有人提供保护伞。当组织对团队的工作,目标,责任和结果有明确的期望时,团队的明确性就会得到加强。
团队创造了一个人们在沟通,提倡职位和采取行动时承担合理风险的环境。团队成员互相信任。团队成员不会因不同意而受到惩罚 分歧是预期和赞赏的。
上海团建 , 体验式培训 , 公司年会主题 , 员工团建活动公司