皮带张力计PHL FM10/400进口SKF特价 

概述:谢生:15721595057 电话:021-56489917-8006 Q号:2643096627

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皮带张力计PHL FM10/400进口SKF特价 不正确的皮带张力易造成:轴承损坏、皮带跳动及过热、减短皮带及机件寿命、能源耗损。 skf红外线皮带张力计由手持数位量测计及光学感测器组成,以光学感应方式量测皮带震动频率,适用於时规皮带、三角皮带以及动力传送皮带等各种工业用皮带,帮助您快速、可靠、精确的量测皮带张力。 上海现货销售中心,德国舍佛勒FAG润滑脂,瑞典SKF轴承,SKF润滑脂及SKF维护工具,价格优势明显,质量保证,欢迎咨询。 谢生:157-2159-5057 电话:021-56489917-8006 Q号:264-3096-627 特点: ● 精确测量皮带张力 ● 快速、可靠的量测数据 ● 排除人為误差 ● 使用简单方便 ● 非接触式测量 ● 不受环境及噪音影响量测品质 SKF Belt Frequency Meter PHL FM 10/400 The most ac c urate belt tension measurement method Correct belt tension is crucial for the whole drive system, its service life and the service life of associated c o mponents such as bearings and seals . Therefore, it is important to get ac c urate and reliable results when measuring belt tension . The SKF Belt Frequency Meter is one of the most ac c urate tools available for measuring belt tension. Readings are quick, reliable and, most importantly, repeatable . The tool is extremely easy to use and minimizes the risk of errors. Wide range of applications The SKF Belt Frequency Meter consists of a hand-held meter and an optical sensor, to provide contact-free belt tension measurements for most of the following belt types, even in a nosiy environment: • V-belts (wrapped, cogged raw edge, ribbed) • Banded V-belts • Timing belts The SKF Belt Frequency Meter is capable of measuring belt vibration frequencies from 10 to 400 Hz. Based upon the measured belt frequency, the SKF Belt Frequency Meter calculates belt tensions up to 9 900 N (2 200 lbs.). Belt tools Easy and quick to use • Simply key-in the span length and mass data . Data can also be saved and recalled for repeated use, if necessary . • Aim sensor at centre of selected belt span and pluck or tap the belt . • The display will show the measured frequency which can be toggled to either newton or pound force values . • Readjust the belt tension, if necessary, and take another measurement
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