克鲁勃Kluber NONTROP ZB 91 DIN 

概述:深圳顺利达销售,联系电话:0755-27048415 13631557081 详情请浏览:www.sld198.com.

2019-03-18 16:23:05 点击39740次
信用:4.0  隐性收费:4.0
描述:4.0  产品质量:4.0
物流:4.0  服务态度:4.0
默认4分 我要打分

克鲁勃Kluber NONTROP ZB 91 DIN,深圳顺利达销售,联系电话:0755-27048415 13631557081  详情请浏览:www.sld198.com.Properties

API service: better than CF.
Excellent thermal stability.
Good detergent properties at high temperatures.
Good dispersant properties at low temperatures.
Good wear protection.
Good oil film strength at extreme pressures.
Excellent water resistance.
Excellent capacity for centrifuging and for separating out water and insoluble’s.
Excellent filtration capacity.
Very good neutralizing capability of acidic products.