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高温胶带是选用进口玻璃纤维编织的各种基布,再涂覆进口聚四氟乙烯.,经过特殊工艺加工而成。它是一种高性能,多用途的复合材料新产品。因其优异的各项性能,故被广泛应用在造纸、食品、环保、印染、服装、化工、玻璃、医药、电子、绝缘、砂轮切片、机械等领域。 耐高温(+260℃)、抗黏、潔淨 。铁氟龙高温胶布可直接贴于各种大平面及规则曲面(如滚筒)上,操作简单。免去喷涂四氟材料需专业设备。 高温胶带其他名称: 特氟龙胶布、铁氟龙胶带、铁氟龙胶布、PTFE胶带、PTFE胶布、特氟龙粘胶带、铁氟龙粘胶带、特富龙胶带、特氟龙粘胶带 铁氟龙胶带主要性能特点:   1、用于低温-196℃,高温300℃之间,具有耐气候性,抗老化。经实际应用,如在250℃高温情况下,连续放置200天,不但强度不会变低,而且重量也不减少;在350℃ 高温下放置120个小时,重量只减少0.6%左右;在-180℃超低温情况下并可保持原有的柔软性。   2 、非粘着性:表面光滑,不易粘附任何物质。易于清洗附着其表面的各种油渍、污点或其它附着物;浆糊、树脂、涂料等几乎所有粘着物质都可简单地清除;   3、耐化学腐蚀,能耐强酸、强碱、王水及各种有机溶剂的腐蚀。   4、耐药剂性、无毒性。几乎可耐所有药剂物品。   5、具有高绝缘性能(介电常数小:2.6,正切在0.0025以下)、防紫外线、防静电。   6、防火阻燃。   7、使用方便、使用寿命长。 胶带主要应用范围:   A:各类高温滚筒的贴覆,加热平板、脱膜工件。   B:食品、药品和塑料袋热封。   C:滑槽,料斗,航空模具等衬垫粘贴,也可应用于浆纱机的滚筒,热塑脱模等行业,可反复使用,易于更换。   D:适合其它需要防粘,耐腐蚀和耐高温的表面处理。   E:用于包装,热塑,复合,封口热合,电子电气等行业。 F: 铁氟龙玻璃纤维胶布可直接贴于各种大平面及规则曲面(如滚筒)上,操作简单。免去喷涂四氟材料需专业设备、特殊工艺及必须运输到专业喷涂厂加工等限制 织物加强型的特氟龙PTFE玻璃玻璃纤维布胶带系列: 款号 厚度 最大宽幅 粘附强度(对钢) 抗拉强度 耐温 F3008 0.08mm 1250mm 22N/100mm 900N/100mm -70至260℃ F3013 0.13mm 1250mm 28N/100mm 1700N/100mm -70至260℃ F3018 0.18mm 1250mm 48N/100mm 2750N/100mm -70至260℃ F3025 0.25mm 1250mm 62N/100mm 3650N/100mm -70至260℃ 铁氟龙胶带主要规格: 厚度:0.08 mm,0.13 mm,0.15 mm,0.18 mm,0.25 mm,0.35mm,0.4mm,0.5mm,其他特殊规格可定做 宽度:9-1250 mm 可以进行小规格高精度分切 长度:10-50 M 颜色:棕色、咖啡色、黑色。也可按客户需求定做 铁氟龙玻纤胶带和铁氟龙薄膜胶带的设计工作温度可达2600C。在塑料包装、塑胶加工和其他通用工业有广泛应用:热封机台板和发热机部件的包覆,凸泡包装和塑料袋加工中裁断、热封机的包覆,热收缩包装、层压脱模包覆,脉冲配线,塑料角板、塑钢门窗热封的垫衬隔离,烘干机(箱)辊筒包覆,槽、斗和烤炉,隔离衬层,脱模衬,以及各种要求高度润滑和抗粘表面包覆,电气绝缘应用方面;马达、变压器、电容、线缆、电子元件与磁场和电枢绕组间的隔离包覆,加热器的隔离包覆,快速开关及电动火车的绝缘包覆。铁氟龙胶带在食品烘焙以及航天飞机、石油化工等行业均有应用。 产品规格: 铁氟龙玻纤胶带和铁氟龙薄膜胶带有自粘胶带和背面附离型纸两种胶带。 YINGXING excellent imported material to produce various different kinds of PTFE adhesive products in different specifications. a. PTFE coated fiberglass adhesive fabric series Item No Thickness Max Width Adhesion(to steel) Tensile Srength Temperature Resistance F3008 0.08mm 1250mm 22N/100mm 900N/100mm -70 to 260℃ F3013 0.13mm 1250mm 28N/100mm 1700N/100mm -70 to 260℃ F3018 0.18mm 1250mm 48N/100mm 2750N/100mm -70 to 260℃ F3025 0.25mm 1250mm 62 N/100mm 3650N/100mm -70 to 260℃ b. Pure PTFE adhesive tape. Item No Thickness Max Width Adhesion(to steel) Tensile Srength Temperature Resistance FS3008 0.08mm 1250mm 20N/100mm 300N/100mm -70 to 260℃ FS3013 0.13mm 1250mm 25N/100mm 400N/100mm -70 to 260℃ FS3018 0.18mm 1250mm 44N/100mm 650N/100mm -70 to 260℃ FS3025 0.25mm 1250mm 58N/100mm 950N/100mm -70 to 260℃ c. Silicone fiberglass fabric with adhesive backside, usr silicone fiberglass fabric as basic cloth, silicone adhesive on backside, standard thickness 0.20mm, other thickness are available too. d.Teflon adhesive tape is using kinds of fiberglass woven basal fabric which are imported and coated with PTFE by special process. It is a new product with high capability and multiform function of complex material. Fiberglass fabric coated with PTFE has various good capability and it is widely used in aircraft industry, paper manufacture, food, environment protection, print and painting, costume, chemical, glass manufacture, medical, electronic, insulation, building (basic cloth of topping frame), sharpener slice, machinery, etc.   Main capability and characteristics:   1). It can be used under the temperature of -196℃ to 320℃, which has the capability of weather resistant and age resistant. Under practical situation of high temperature of 250℃ for 200 days, not only the intensity will not decrease, the weight will not reduce; if put it under the high temperature of 350 ℃ for 120 hours, the weight only decreased by about 0.6%; under the situation of -180 ℃, it will not chap and keep the original pliability;   2). Hardly to adhere any material; it is easy to wash away the blot or other dust such as resin, coating material, etc.   3). Chemical corrosion resistant, it could resist acid, alkali, aqua fortis and various kinds of organic liquid corrosion;   4). Capability of medicament resistant and non-poison, almost to resisting all kinds of medicament;   5). High capability of insulation (small permittivity: 2.6, the tangent is lower than 0.0025), ultraviolet resistance, static proofing;   6). Fireproofing and flame resisting;   7). Easy to use and long using life.   Application range:   A: sorts of high temperature roller submerging, works of calefaction slab, membrane doffing;   B: heat sealing of food, pharmaceutical and plastic bag   C: cushion pasting of slippery pond, stuff funnel, aircraft mould, etc, it also could be used on platen, thermoplastic doffing module;   D: suitable for other surface disposal such as glue proofing, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance.   E: it could be used in the fields of packing (including thermoplastic), compositing, thermoplastic seal, electron and electric.   Specification: thickness: 0.08mm, 0,13mm, 0.15mm, 0.18mm, 0.25mm   width: 10-1250mm   length: 10-50m   color: brown, white, black   Sorts of product: PTFE fiberglass adhesive tape, pure Teflon adhesive tape, silicon-rubber adhesive tape.
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