
概述:公司名称:五一手拉葫芦网 联系人:张经理 手机号:13933000298 张经理:13933002678 电动堆高车以电动机为动力,蓄电池为能源的一种工业搬运车辆,是指对成件托盘货物进行装卸、堆高、堆

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电动堆高车以电动机为动力,蓄电池为能源的一种工业搬运车辆,是指对成件托盘货物进行装卸、堆高、堆垛和短距离运输作业的各种轮式搬运车辆。国际标准化组织ISO/TC110称为工业车辆。电动堆高车包括:全电动堆高车、半电动堆高车、前移式堆高车、前移式全电动堆高车、前移式堆高车、步行平衡重式堆高车。Electric pile motor, powered by motor and accumulator as energy, is a kind of industrial moving vehicle. It is a kind of wheeled transportation vehicle for loading, stacking, stacking and short distance transportation of pallet goods. The international organization for Standardization (ISO/TC110) is called industrial vehicles. The electric stacker includes: all electric stacker, semi electric stacker, forward stacker, forward type all electric stacker,

Single pillar stacker, which is in the traditional door frame lifting form, instead of single rod lifting, the lifting speed is not affected by the parallel limit, stability constant, general transmission mode from the chain to pull the belt, lifting evenly.


Prohibition of stacking trucks (1) prohibition of drunken operation, semi electric pile trucks (2) prohibit overloading, uneven stacking of goods, flat (3) prohibited straddle operation (4) prohibited parking on ramps or steps

半电动堆高车优势一:1. 半电动堆高车采用新式后桥结构,使堆高车结构更加合理。2. 半电动堆高车采用进口气压弹簧式手柄装置,使用更加方便合理。
Semi electric stacker truck has one advantage: 1. semi electric high speed vehicle adopts new rear axle structure, so that the structure of stacker truck is more reasonable. 2. 、 semi electric stack high vehicle adopts imported pneumatic spring handle device, more convenient and reasonable.

Open the hood and check the cooling water level. Check engine oil level. Check that the fan belt is cracked and worn. Check the water level of the battery electrolyte. Check hydraulic oil level. Check brake oil level. Put down the hood, get on the bus and sit down. Adjust seat to proper position. Tilt the steering wheel to the desired position. Check that the speakers are functioning properly. Check if the brake pedal is normal. Try to pedal the accelerator pedal properly. Try on the clutch pedal properly. (manual gear type) test whether the pedal is normal. (automatic transmission models) operation of the parking brake lever is normal.

Electric stacker operation is not normal: Reason: electric box micro switch is damaged or improperly adjusted position; the main circuit control electric fuse or fuse; the battery voltage is too low; singeing contactor, or too much dirt caused by poor contact; contact action. Solution: replace the microswitch, readjust the position, replace the same type fuse, recharge the battery, repair the contact, adjust or change the contactor, check whether the contactor coil is broken or replace the contactor.

手动液压堆高车优势三:5.手动液压堆高车适用于生产工厂,生产车间,仓库仓储,各地车站,码头,机场等地,尤其适合有防火,防爆要求的场地使用,如印刷车间,各类油库,化学品仓库等地。6. 手动液压堆高车配合托盘货箱,集装箱等可实现单元化运输,不仅减少了碰撞,划伤等情况,更减少了工作量及堆放面积,大大提高工作效率。
Manual hydraulic forklift trucks three advantages: 5. manual hydraulic forklift truck is suitable for the production of the factory, workshop, warehouse, around the station, wharf, airport and other places, especially for fire, explosion-proof requirements of the site use, such as printing workshop, all kinds of oil, chemicals warehouse etc.. 6. manual hydraulic stack truck, with pallets, containers, containers, etc., can realize unit transportation, not only reduces the collision, scratches and so on, but also reduces the workload and stacking area, greatly improve efficiency.


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