
概述:广东活性氧化铝量大从优厂家批发 活性氧化铝球ActivatedAlumina又名活性矾土,是经特殊工艺制成的球型活性氧化铝,其本身属性无毒、无臭、不粉化、不溶于水. 外观为白色球状、多孔物质,

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活性氧化铝球ActivatedAlumina又名活性矾土,是经特殊工艺制成的球型活性氧化铝,其本身属性无毒、无臭、不粉化、不溶于水. 外观为白色球状、多孔物质,有很大的比表面积,很高的机械强度,物化稳定性,耐高温抗腐蚀。本产品具有容量高,磨耗低,吸水能力强的特点,广泛应用于各种气液相物质的深度干燥和有害杂质的处理。活性氧化铝球可广泛用于石油裂解气、乙烯丙烯气的深度干燥和制氢、空分装置、仪表风干机的干燥、双氧水中氟化物处理,还可以去除废气中的硫气氢、二氧化碳、氟化氢、烃类等污染物质,特别适应含氟水的除氟处理。 


Activated alumina ball ActivatedAlumina aka activated alumina, the spherical activated alumina is made by a special process, its itself attribute non-toxic, odourless, not pulverization, insoluble in water. The appearance is white spherical porous material, and has a large specific surface area, high mechanical strength, chemical stability, resistance to high temperature corrosion. This product has high capacity, low abrasion, the characteristics of the water absorption ability, is widely applied in all kinds of the depth of the gas liquid material drying, and the processing of harmful impurities. Activated alumina ball can be widely used in petroleum cracking gas, the depth of the ethylene propylene gas dry and hydrogen production, air separation equipment, instrument air drying machine of fluoride in drying, hydrogen peroxide treatment, also can remove the sulfur in the exhaust gas of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, hydrocarbon and other pollutants, especially for fluoride water fluoride in processing.



 Alumina ball according to the different alumina content can be divided into: aluminum ball, high aluminum and alumina ball. We usually put 60% 65% alumina content is divided into aluminum ball; 75% 80% alumina content are called high aluminum ball, more than 90% of the alumina content for high alumina ball. With high alumina ball and subdivided into 90 porcelain, 92 porcelain, 95 porcelain, 99 porcelain, porcelain and 99 because of its high production cost and the mass production, there are very few large manufacturers at present mainly for the part of special ceramics factory by hand.




 1, high wear resistance, the wear resistance of alumina ball is better than ordinary porcelain ball. When grinding of ceramic ball, it does not produce pollution, so the alumina ball can keep the stability of the high purity and improve the effect of grinding.

2, high density: alumina ball with high density, high hardness and high grinding characteristics, so as to save the grinding time, expanded the space of grinding, can effectively improve the grinding effect.










      4、活性氧化铝球还能做吸附剂、干燥剂,吸水量大、干燥速度快,能再生(400 -500K烘烤)以及吸水布膨胀,不开裂,不变形。

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