
概述:浙江物流运输 东达物流

2018-09-06 16:38:55 点击33585次
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    Suggestions for development
    The logistics platform is an uncertain economic organization. It is the middle point of the development contradiction. It is the bridge between the real economy and the virtual economy. It is the combination of the commercial service and the public service. To realize the healthy development of the platform, it is necessary for the government, the platform and the participation of the enterprises to collaborate, to gather consensus, to form a joint force, to share each individual, and to build together by all individuals. Only in this way can we create better conditions for further promoting the efficiency of logistics reduction and promoting the development of the real economy.
    1, classify and define the platform attributes and do top-level design.
    The market led and the government pushed it. We should give full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources, and take customer demand as the guidance to stimulate the endogenous driving force of enterprise's innovation and development. The government promotes the construction of the regulatory system and the public service system, and focuses on building the effective management system and rules of the market mechanism, the vitality of the microcosmic subject and the effective supervision of the industry.
    To establish an index system and to promote the experience of the pilot. The purely technical level should not be the purpose of the national pilot logistics platform. It should be reflected in the business mode innovation and scale path. Establish and improve the index system of promoting the high quality development of logistics information platform, including policy system, standard system, statistical system, performance evaluation and so on. The performance evaluation index can include: market penetration, the immediate response rate of logistics demand, the matching rate of supply and demand, the energy consumption of the goods turnover unit, the efficiency of distribution, the contribution rate of the efficiency of the logistics reduction, and the technical standard of the intelligent logistics platform with independent intellectual property rights.
    2, cultivate five core competitiveness and improve the logistics industry system.
    In the future, the competition of the logistics platform is to determine the discourse power of the industrial chain and the control of the upstream and downstream. This depends on the system innovation, demand capture, brand marketing, flow collection and resource integration, which are the core competitiveness of the platform development. On this basis, the platform provides high quality service products, promotes the network and intelligence of industrial organization, creates a complete logistics industry system, produces new projects, creates new ecology, and realizes the effect of "small" to "big" and "speed" to "scale".
    3, build "platform + hub + channel + network" to innovate the new carrier of logistics competition.
    The platform's simple information matching function only reduces the implicit cost of information search, and does not create value. The platform + hub + channel + network is the main strategic direction in the implementation of the innovation and scale of the business model based on the logistics business. Different combinations show different competing products.
    The platform business mode is the core. The integration of network hub is the foundation of the platform, which is the essence. The platform needs to redefine and redefine the target customers in the new economic model from the perspective of the future ecology, and integrate the scattered, fragmented orders and resources online to the critical point of the network scale. To realize the organization and scale of logistics operation, increase customer stickiness, increase the scale of transport organization, create value and create new ecosystem.
