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概述: 3M 3200 half face mask and gas mask Introduction 1, the purpose is to prevent or reduce dust in the air into the human respiratory organs to protect the safety of individual p

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3M 3200 half face mask and gas mask


1, the purpose is to prevent or reduce dust in the air into the human respiratory organs to protect the safety of individual protection products;

2, Materials: The current anti-dust mask are mostly used inside and outside the two non-woven fabrics, the middle layer of filter cloth (melt-blown cloth) structure;

3, the filter principle: filter dust mainly by the middle of the filter cloth, as the meltblown cloth has its own characteristics with static, can adsorb very small particles. As the dust adsorbed on the filter cloth, and filter cloth can not be washed with static electricity, so anti-dust masks are disposable.


Applicable to grinding, coal, smelting, mining, cutting, casting and other dust particulate matter gas environment

Product information

Material: Silicone, high efficiency electrostatic filter cotton

Weight: 125g

Packing: Respiratory protection half mask, filter socket, particle filter cotton

Shelf life: 5 years

Features: Mask design is compact and reasonable, wide field of vision, and the face fit at the docile comfortable, more suitable for a long time to wear; dust filter by the high efficiency electrostatic filter material to improve protection efficiency; efficient activated carbon filter box and a unique filter path design , Longer life filter box; stripping mask convenient, does not affect the other safety equipment to wear (such as helmets, goggles, noise earmuffs, etc.).

3M3701CN particulate filter cotton, can prevent fine non-oily particulate matter dust, the minimum filtration rate of 90%.


Applicable scope: It is suitable for the dust protection of mine, cement factory, pottery factory, shipyard, metal smelting, power plant, stone processing, sanding, interior decoration and silicon powder processing.

Notes: 1, wearing a mask, when you feel great resistance to breathing, very difficult time, indicating that the filter has been blocked by dust, immediately away from the use of the environment and replace the type of filter cotton; 2, mask after use, please use a damp cloth Wipe the inside of the mask, and then sealed with a good bag.

Note: not suitable for children under the age of three use, containing small parts, beware of children swallowed.


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