供应 新型污水处理设备 微浮选气浮污水处理机 

概述:诸城市博创机械有限公司 联系人:王勇杰 电话:13573650332 QQ:296033332

2022-12-31 14:23:40 点击35933次
13573650332 王勇杰
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BWAF微浮选气浮污水处理机 BWAF Series Of Micro-air Bubble DAF Clarifier 微浮选溶气气浮污水处理机是最新研制的一种高科技污水处理设备,通过全新的整流措施,大大提高了污水处理的效果。 This machine is a kind of last high-tech wastewater treating equipment, which has better treating effect through new modification of Flow Pattern. 设备特点 Equipment characteristic • 该机配有高效溶气系统,微气泡平均直径在1μm以下,与目前国内外20-50ml的水平比较,至少减小了20倍,即当溶气量相等时,微气泡总表面积至少增大了400余倍。实际上,由于溶气率大幅提高,微气泡总表面积或气泡密度增加了上千倍。国外学者研究表明:当微气泡直径小于一定值后,根据统计力学,其周边水分子热运动的撞击力将失去平衡,气泡将参与部分布朗运动,极为有利于气泡内氧分子向污水中扩散,因而曝气效果将高出远不止上千倍。 • 该机内采用特殊的不锈钢机构,起到前所未有的整流、稳流效果,以及特殊的高效释放系统,最大限度地消除溶气水的能量,也就是说使溶气从深度平衡的高能值降到几乎接近常压的低能值。 • 该设备结构紧凑、小型化、占地面积小:如日处理1000-4000m3纸机白水量,设备高度仅5.5米,占地10m2,完全可以安装在车间内部。 • 该机动力消耗少,比普通气浮可降低50%以上。 • 药品消耗低,比普通气浮法可降低50%以上。 • 排除浮渣浓度高,可达4%以上,出水清澈透明,SS去除率达96%以上,非溶性COD可全部去除。 •Using high efficiency dissolved-air system, averange diameter of miro-air buble is less than 1μm, 20 times smaller than old dissolved-air system. Under the same air-solubility, total surface area of micro-air bubble is 400 times larger at least. The researches of foreign scholars have shown that : when the diameter of micro-air bubble is less than a given number, andom thermal jigging of water molecular near micro-air bubble loses its balance, and the air bubble take part in Brownian motion, This condition is favorable for the diffusion of oxygen molecules to the wastewater. So the effcet of air floatation may may be more than 1000 times higher than the old system. •Using special stainless steel device to get the best effcet of flow pattern, using special releasing system to relieve power of dissolved-air water.
供应 新型污水处理设备 微浮选气浮污水处理机